Friday, 27 July 2007


As you read, that is the number of trees that every day are cut down, in another words, those are the trees that every day go to the trash thanks to all tissues we use in different ways. I don't want you to use paper, I want you to take into account two things: one, you have to pratice a responsible use; two, you have to buy the paper to ecofriendly companies.

Respect to the point one, imagine you get into a toilette in a restaurant, the paper is not yours, of course, so that hasn't to be a reason to waste it as it was endless. Respect to the second point, there are companies that are nothing at all ecofriendly, there are lots of them which use chlorine to whiten and you know the chlorine is very poisonous for aquatic life. A lot of these companies tend to build their premises in the third world and to do whatever they want because there isn't any control to stop them. You have companies as well as Kimberly-Klark, which dedicate their work to destroy ancient forests in Canada. If the name of this company doesn't ring your bell, I can tell you they are the owners of Kleenex, yes!, that company which makes paper handkerchiefs. It also owns the brand Huggies, very well known in Spain and the very famous Scottex. If you want to check what I'm telling you, visit the page of Greenpeace dedicated to this issue.

Have a nice and an ecofriendly summer.

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Low-Cost Flights

Are you sure? For you or for the environment? I think prices are good for you, never for the environment. I think the environmental damage is inversely to the price for your ticket. What does it mean? It's easy, the percentage of pollution per passenger is very high, at least, 50%. One example, imagine you have 100 litres of fuel to run a car, a train, a ship, a bus and a plain. It is sure you need 50 litres to run de plain, the other 50 litres are shared among the rest. Have you an idea already?

Aviation is not now guilty for the most of the pollution, now are the cars, but the growth of this mean of transport is very fast and its emissions of CO2 are very high. Here you are another example. If you had to flight inside Europe, you would emit so many CO2, that you would need two trees working around the clock during 100 years to eliminate all the CO2 you have emitted.In that way, my religion allows me, as much, a flight a year, and after flying, I have to pay my eco-tax. We have an NPO in Spain to plant the trees you need to eliminate the CO2 you have emitted. A computer calculates your emissions and the price of trees to be planted. In this way, I think it is a tax included into the price of the ticket. I would be nice that the most people that flight collaborated in that way.

There are people who say that I'm a radical, that my behaviour won't avoid that plains continue fliying.. I know it... but I send them to my post Gratitudes. One more thing. Low-Cost Flights aren't socially responsibles in the sense that if you pay less, that has repercussions on the salary of the workers, on a properly set-up and in the generation of employment. Nobody has to be surprised when the crew don't say good morning or nobody hasn't his/her coffe. Remeber: poverty and environment go hand in hand.

Good night.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Glaciers are going

What you see is what you get, the glaciers are going and we don't know when they will return (but it's sure they will return stronger). I have a link to an spanish web, but I've looked for a link in english, here you are. The spanish document is from Greenpeace, but the one I link here is written in english. If you want the original from Greenpece no problem, the only thing you have to do is to leave a post with your email.

People from Switzerland, who have lots of incomes from the winter season, are preparing for the process even though spaniards only are thinking, at the moment, in building around mountains to be nearer from ski runs, they say they are worried about climate change (?) but it seems they are not fighting it porperly. Glaciers are not only important for sightseen and sports, they are important for refreshing our planet and feed one and a half billion of people all over the world. What will it happen when they have been desappeared? The more water in circulation the more heat accumulation.

Good night.