Friday, 28 September 2007


Some time ago I read some bad news about a new hasty iberian lynx. The animal was dead at 8 am. It is a leak else over the most threatened feline in the world. In fact, today, most of the lynxes are dead because of the cars. "Dear" politiciens, in Brussels you were told our road plan was simply unlucky, even though you were paid a lot of money to build a new road which comes past by the middle of the natural park where live the few lynxes we have in freedom... you have no shame...

Stop-just-now!!! How is it possible so many cars in such a weak place? Please, asked drivers not to speed, but that will be difficult because our culture loves speeding... The only thing the most of the people understand are physical barriers, that is, not to build new roads in that place or close them to the daily traffic. Our fauna has to face a lot of dangers and one of them is speeding. Many animals die in our roads, in fact, a report was issued some time ago by the government in which you could check how many millions of animals face the death every time they have to cross a road. The planet is not our, the planet is shared, we are part of the chain not the chain itself.

One more negative point for our politicens and one more for the crook driver who run over the lynx and didn't communicate the fact to the authorities.

Friday, 14 September 2007


This is the number of planets that we would need whether all inhabitants of this planet consumed the same resources as the mean american. So I think you should take this into account before buying unnecessary things. The title for today would be: think twice, do you agree?

The most of the green house gases come from power generation, the energy which is consumed by industries to generate everything you buy and later on for recycling them, although many times things finish in the trash, not in the recycling machine...

We dive in a consumer society, without stopping generating trash and every day more quantity than the previous one. The question is... What can we do? Here you are some examples. Don't change your mobile every six months. Conserve your car eight or ten years at least. Every time you do the shopping take your things inside a cloth bag, don't waste so many plastic bags. Try to buy products with the least wrappers, choose big bottles becasue you will generate less waste. Have you thought in reducing your flights? A plain is an authentic predator of fuel... I would be able to continue for some lines more.... Anyway, have your say, now is your turn, think about what I have just said, remember, thinking doesn't kill you.

Bye, Bye.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

To Think Kills You

I don't know whether you have paid attention, but when we are in company of other people and have conversation about environmental problems, more than one say: I don't want to think about that because I become ill.... In nothern parts of Europe it is an idiom: to think kills you. I don't agree with that, rather I would say: if you don't think, you are dead. Do you know any problem resolving itself? It is, you have a problem but you don't want to know anything about it.... I think it would become worse...

In conclusion, I think the best idiom would be: think globally, do it locally.

Have a nice day.