Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Buy Nothing Day

Imagine that suddenly, we run out of money and, to prevent collapses, more fast than say Jack and Robinson somebody is pumping liquidity once more in our banking system. But in the background of this financial crisis, a crisis much more important is showing: we are working out of nature limits... fish, forests, fresh water, minerals, ground. What are we going to do when these resources are completely exhausted?

There's only one path to prevent the collapse of this human experiment on Earth: we have to consume less.

Click on the picture to get more information.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Wretch II

Once more I've been able to check that a daily use of the bicycle is a question of culture and education. Despite winters are harsh in Finland, it exists a daily use of the bicycles as a mean of transport. Obviously, bicycles are more used in summer (or at least I think so).

Here where I live, potential bicycle users put forward any thing: there is a lot of traffic and it is dangerous, it is very hot, it is very hard, I sweat, it is cold... ¡Cold!¡Cold! It makes me laugh at them. Last time I was in Finland we got -17ºC... The best thing was that I saw people cycling ¡Even elderly people!

Maybe in Spain somebody can think that who uses the bycicle in Finland is because they don't have any other resource. Maybe there's somebody, but from my point of view, if something characterizes Finland, is its way of life, a low index of political corruption (at least if we compare with Spain) and above all, if I haven't been misinformed, ostentation is not well regarded. What do we find here (in general)? Cyclists are sadly a minority. The car has become the totem of our society, in the reference of what you are or you try to be... ¡Get out of my road wretch!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

A Week for a Rest

Some posts ago I wrote about my journey to Lapland in 2006. This post was written when I was there. I only would like to show you the things and situtatuons I lived there. Get your own conclusions.

I have decided to leave, only a bit, my blog during this week. This my holiday week and I need a piece of rest... Getting back to this land is excellent, I think at the moment... I wouldn't get back to my country...

I'm getting a lot of knowledge about my favourite subject, and, little by little, I've had the oppportunity to speak to people of the place about the behaviour of the climate. I have spoken to taxi drivers, tour guides and dogs breeders. Tomorrow we will visit once more the ice braker Sampo, it won't be like last time, but we will try to have fun as much as we can, thing which is not in doubt and I will take profit to try to exchange ideas with somebody of the crew.

I already have more things in mind for new posts, so from next week I will go back to write (meanwhile I will go updating some link). Just now we are in Kemi. It is -4 ºC in the street and no much time it will take me to go to bed. Good night.