The ones of the second group estimate that "the triggers" of the climate are already working. To say it in another words: problems will worse in a linear way and suddenly... maybe some day... will happen lots of "bad things" faster than saying Jack and Robinson, no matter the consequences it brings...
Some time ago it was told that by 2100 the North Pole would be navigable in summer (to happiness of that ones that only have and want piles of money). Later, it was told that it would happened by 2080, afterwards 2050 then 2040. Things seem to go faster than some scientists thought, so allow me to include here that group of people who always say "we won't see it". I've been collecting for a time pieces of news about environmental issues and, in the moment I wrote this post, maybe one year and a half or more, I found two interesting things but they were written in Spanish. In spite of it, I post you two simmilar pieces of news but in English: one and two. Think about it and act in consequence. You are what you do and not what you say.
Good evening.
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