Sunday 2 March 2008

Since town-planning scandals seem to "sing" a lot in our coastlines, it seems that now builders are looking at inland; deforesting and destroying our coastlines seems not to have been enough for those people, they have to destroy now our mountains. Madrid, Castilla León or Murcia are some of the examples.

A mayoress from a village of Murcia who expects to build a big estate on a inirrigated land as well as having deforested the last places which were left, says that water will be brought from a dasalination plant. Lots of thanks Miss Mayoress, thanks a lot for contributing to the green house effect. We are so corrupt that even we speculate with desalination plants in the way we don't built the most efficient ones, so we need a lot of energy for running them and the most of the energy that will be needed will come from non-renewable sources. Please, listen to me, whether you want or not: if it is not possible to hold more people in one place, why so much interest in going against nature? Money is the only reason to be justified, the money... the cancer of our daily world. Maybe any day will you understand the meaning of the word NO? Miss, school finished long time ago and what's happening makes me to think that you were not a brilliant pupil.

Well, many things, many words... but I continue thinking the same: consumers have the last word. Before buying a house we should think where and how the building has been built. We don't have only to appreciate a pretty landscape, an idillyc landscape and the most probable is that our home has been built destroying the house of "others". Anyway, everything can be reduced to the benefit of a few people and to the offense of the most, now and in the future, but of course, bullfighting, guitars and party have to be a must, the rest... can be forgotten.


Castellón Opina said...

Buenos días,
Permite que entre a tu blog para solicitarte ayuda en la difusión por tu blog y por el reenvío entre tu libreta de direcciones del correo.

en mi blog encontrares imagenes y una explicación simplificada de los acontecimiento.


Y el chico es muy probable que este estudiando en la uji.

Gracias por no dejar que hoy en dia el corporativismo de algunas instituciones, criminalize a un ciudadano que no cometió ninguna amenaza, y mucho menos un atentado.

Un saludo

Perico said...

Lo dicho.

Un saludo.